Meditation and Self-Mastery Course

The Master Key to Emotional Intelligence and Self-Mastery: Eliminate Stress, Anxiety and Depression. Harness the Full Power of Your Mind. Learn how to Transform Limiting Beliefs into Freedom, Inner Peace and Joy.

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Discover the secrets to transforming anxiety, depression and suffering. Let go of insecurity, heal toxic relationships, eliminate destructive habits, resolve inner conflict, and learn to master all of life's challenges.

Learn everything you need to know in order to achieve liberation from suffering, past trauma and troubling experiences. Learn how to be fully present, and in the moment. Discover how to break free from destructive habits and negative patterns, and create a life you desire and love waking up to.


Ask Yourself...

Are you sick of feeling so stressed that you just can’t even relax, or even enjoy yourself anymore?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night in a panic, full of anxiety, and then struggle to get back to sleep, because you’re worried about your business, finances, or investments.

Do feelings of depression keep so stuck, that it feels like you can’t go on anymore?

Do you sometimes just feel sad for no reason at all?

Are you struggling to control outbursts of rage or anger that seem to never end?

Do you get irritated, and frustrated for the smallest things?

Do you struggle to wake up in the morning, feeling that you just can’t seem to get out of bed?

Do feelings of dread haunt you when you wake up, making you want to just close your eyes, and go back to sleep?

Do you feel unmotivated and uninspired, and just can’t seem to get going?

Does anxiety control your mood and stop you from speaking up, or doing that presentation, or starting your own business?

Are low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, limiting what you feel you can accomplish and achieve in life?

Does your bad mood make you lash out, and hurt the people you care about most?

Do feelings of shame or guilt keep you trapped in your head, always judging yourself, being overly critical and beating yourself up?

What would happen if you continue this way?

Consistently doing the wrong thing over and over again, will never get you the results that you want.

You might be exhausted, and think that you’ve already tried everything, but the truth is, if you really have, you wouldn’t be getting results you’re unhappy with.

Unless you change your mind, nothing will change, and you will remain stuck, with the same problems.

Don’t you think it’s about time you heal your past trauma, eliminate your destructive patterns, and remove those limiting beliefs, and start building a life that you love?

Are you ready to take powerful action, and make the necessary changes, and commit to a life that you desire?


Let me show you exactly what you need to do, to get everything that you truly desire.

You need to learn how to harness your attention, so that you can effortlessly direct your focus.

You need to learn how to surrender attachment, so that you can easily learn from and let go of setbacks, and move beyond obstacles.

You must learn to completely believe in yourself, so that you can create a real vision of your life that you will love waking up to.

You have to learn how to resolve inner conflict, and transform emotional baggage, so that you can start to harness the unlimited power of your unconscious mind.

You need to learn to access the divinity that is within the deepest part of your being, so that you can actualize your greatest potential, and live a life of meaning and purpose, and become a beacon of light to those around you.

If you resonated with any, or all of the above, then this course is definitely for you.

What are you waiting for?

Let’s get started!

“Warren’s approach continues to have an extremely positive and lasting impact on my mind and in my life. I recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn how to manage stress, expand their inner dimension, experience inner peace and improve their levels of success.”

-Manuel Koser, Founding Partner of Silvertree Capital and Co-founder of Zando


The Art of Mastering Chaos

Have you ever experienced any kind of stress, anxiety, or depression, or have been the victim of abuse, trauma, hardship, or pain, and thought there is nothing you can do about it, because that's just life?

If you have, then You’re not alone. Many people who experience suffering, or have emotional baggage, end up with limiting beliefs of what they think is possible for them. I was one of those people!

Now, let me tell you, there is a way to heal and overcome suffering, and learn to master life’s challenges. While suffering and pain are part of your journey, they don't have to define and limit you. Don't you feel that you deserve better? Wouldn’t you like to learn how to transform all of that, into fuel for achieving your goals?

Did you know that it is actually possible to transform all past negative experiences into positive energy. And that every pain and hardship that you have gone through, no matter how long ago it was, is potential energy that you can access to use to achieve success?

You have the ability to live a life full of passion, purpose, love and joy. And there is a way to turn your life into a magical experience of gratitude and celebration every day.

In order to live an enlightened life, you first need to learn how to enlighten yourself. Meditation and Self-Awareness are the skills you have to learn in order to master your reality.

This course is designed to help you learn these skills, become the master of your destiny, and transform your life from mediocre to Filled with Purpose and Meaning.


Course Overview

A Comprehensive 9 Module Course to help you Develop your Creativity and Intuition, Achieve Self-Mastery and Inner-Peace. You will learn everything you need to start help you Alleviate all of your Stress, Dissolve Conflict , Achieve Harmony and Discover your Authentic Self.

1. MAPPING - Explore the Myths, Mistakes and Misconceptions about meditation and how your mind works. And move from Confusion to Crystal Clear Clarity and Understanding.

2. CONSISTENCY - Learn about the importance of building a regular and consistent meditation practice so that you can achieve your goals. Go from feeling unmotivated and Ambivalence to 100% Committed.

3. ALIGNMENT - Engage with your inner critic, make friends with your mind, and build a relationship that will help you shift from experiences of Abandonment to Support and Encouragement.

4. STABILIZE - Develop a comfortable and steady posture, so that you can feel completely stable and centred, and go from feeling Anxious & Jittery to Rock Solid and Grounded.

5. INTERNALIZE - Work with your breath and learn how to unlock the secrets of how to instantly move from being Stressed, Nervous and Anxious to Complete Relaxation and Inner Peace.

6. DETERMINATION - Unlock the your powers of concentration and focus, and learn how to kick out Procrastination to move to Blazing Motivation.

7. IDENTITY - Learn advanced techniques to delve deep into the source of consciousness, uncover your false identity, explore the root of Ego Consciousness and move to True Presence & Inner Authority.

8. INTEGRATION - Discover the use of Introspective Inquiry, and learn how to completely disolve and transform Inner Conflict into Total Inner Bliss and Contentment.

9. SELF-REALIZATION - Unleash True realization by moving into the state of wholeness, letting go of feeling that the world in weighing you down, and move to Complete Empowerment and Transcendence.

“I have found the Warren Munitz' Online course to be very beneficial in my personal life and professional life, and even as a mother.

The illustrations combined with audio are insightful, and having a personal growth and meditation online course, is convenient for my busy life, especially in times where I am not able to see my professional life coach one on one.

I find it keeps me grounded, improves my decision making in general, and gives me a more holistic approach to my personal life.

Spending a few minutes in my course Daily, or even weekly clears out a lot of the clutter from my mind, and is helping me to relax more, focus more, achieve the quality meaningful life I aspire too, and move to the next level of my life.”

- Cindy Nell-Roberts, Director Cosmetix/Public Personality, Former Miss South Africa

Get started now!

Reasons To Enroll Today


Meditation is the Master Key to increasing your Self-Awareness, Power and Freedom. Venture beyond your ordinary mind and Gain access to the Power of Transcendent States of Consciousness, Healing and Your Highest Wisdom.

1. Beginner to Intermediate levels.

2. Advanced practitioners will gain greater depth in their meditation.

3. Go at your own pace.

4. Invest as little as 10 minutes a day.

Investing in yourself is the best and safest investment you can make.

"This meditation course is amazing, and has helped me to discover my true self, and improve all my relationships. I am now embracing my journey towards wholeness."

- Alberta Coetzee, Systems Analyst, Woolworths ITS


Your Instructor

Warren Munitz
Warren Munitz
Warren Munitz, Founder of Integrative Coaching and Author.
He has been on numerous TV, Radio shows, and Magazine articles, helping people understand the Mind, Meditation and Stress. (ie. Afternoon Express, Expresso Show, Hectic Talk, Heart Radio, Kfm)
He also Director of training at Integrative Coaching, teaches others in the Integrative Coaching approach.

My journey has taken me across the globe in search of truth and self-realization. I went as far as spending 6 months in solitude meditation, in the Himalayan Mountains, where I sat in meditation for 12 to 16 hours a day. I initially set out on this path in search for relief from my own suffering; anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and lack of connection. It led me to study yoga, meditation, philosophy, shamanism, transpersonal psychology, and other forms of personal development and mysticism. The process emerged as my vocation to helping others achieve balance, peace and self-realization.

★ Over 20+ years of experience and success in the field of self-awareness, meditation and stress management.

★ Personally spent over 32,000 hrs in meditation, and over 26,000 hrs in coaching experience.

★ Certified as a Master in Executive Coaching, NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Yoga, Shamanic Breathwork, Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychology and Altered States of Consciousness, Enneagram Coach and Facilitator, Certified Enneagram Teacher (TNE).

★ Bachelor of Science in Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Our main website can be found here
Click here for more information about Executive Coaching.
Click here for more information about Life Coaching.
Click here for more information about Stress Management.
Click here for more information about Becoming a Certified Life Coach.
Click here for more information about Online Live Guided Meditation sessions.
Click here for more information about Group Coaching.

Course Curriculum

  Before You Go Any Further, Download Your Quick Start Guide, Journal and Workbook! ;)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: CONSISTENCY - Ambivalence to 100% Commitment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: ALIGNMENT - Abandonment to Encouragement
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS MEDITATION Section 1: GUIDED MEDITATIONS without Background Music
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


10 Signs The Meditation and Emotional Mastery Course is Right for You

  1. You want to live a more fulfilled life, and are tired of feeling stuck.
  2. You are sick of being a victim, and want to become the master of your destiny.
  3. You're stuck in your head, worrying about the future or the past, and never really live in the present moment.
  4. You want to learn how to meditate, or deepen your meditation practice, so that you can increase your level of intuition, self-understanding, and gain insight into your life.
  5. You are struggling with anxiety, depression or other kinds of stress, and want to experience peace of mind.
  6. You are feeling unmotivated, and want to feel excited and energized to wake up and live your best life.
  7. You realize that personal growth and mastery requires that you must invest time and money in yourself to achieve the benefits you deserve.
  8. You are absent-minded, or too easily distracted, and want to be able to easily bring your mind to the present moment, and be focused when you want to be.
  9. You want to break free from toxic relationships, or negative environments, and move on with your life.
  10. You are or have experienced a spiritual crisis or some kind of emotional suffering.

Bottom line: The Meditation and Emotional Mastery course is for you if you’re serious about taking your life to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
With the One-Time payment you will have Lifetime Access, and with the payment plan, you will also have LifeTime Access. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. With the subscription option, you will have access as long as you are subscribed.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund. 100% money-back guarantee for the 30 days.
What payment methods do you accept?
When you click the enroll button below, you will be taken to the checkout process, and asked to pay with either a credit card or PayPal. If you’d like to pay via EFT, please contact me at [email protected].
Will I have time for this?
Most definitely. This course is designed so that it will fit into your daily routine, no matter how busy you are. You need just 10 to 30 minutes per day. Think about how much you will be simplifying your life, less complications means more time for you and your family. In the long run it will definitely save you time, and make you more effective in everything else that you do.
Why should I do this now?
The truth is that, there really is only this moment. You only have the Power to act and change your life NOW. If you put the most important things off until tomorrow, you more than likely will never get a chance to see how amazing things can really be, and you will miss out on this unique opportunity to discover the life you deserve.
Will this course work for me?
Yes, if you allow it and give yourself the chance. The Meditation and Emotional Mastery course provides all everything you need to improve the quality of your life. In order to reap the benefits, you must be willing to invest in yourself.

Still Not Convinced?

I Offer a 100%, No Questions Asked, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

I so am confident that you’ll be completely satisfied with the course. However, in case you’re not happy with your purchase, I'm offering a 100% money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason during the first 30 days, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full. No questions asked.

So basically, this course is a completely risk-free investment on your part. Give it a try. You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain! You deserve to back yourself, and invest in yourself.

Our main website can be found here
Click here for more information about Executive Coaching.
Click here for more information about Life Coaching.
Click here for more information about Stress Management.
Click here for more information about Becoming a Certified Life Coach.
Click here for more information about Online Live Guided Meditation sessions.
Click here for more information about Group Coaching.

Get started now!